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Media and Publisher
Global editorial content for publishers and broadcasters.
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Quick and easy access

Breadth and depth of collections
Over 20,000 images added per day, including images from our team of in-house photographers that cover over 5,000 events a year.

Content distribution partnerships
Distribution partnerships with huge players like Associated Press, European Pressphoto Agency, and Variety.

Full service offering
Guaranteed editorial image rights and clearances service, via our partnership with Greenlight, to give you peace of mind.

News on the Internet can spread quickly like wildfire. This forces news media and publishers to adapt and create more ways to access any source as quickly as possible. The problem, however, is that illustrations and images can be very difficult to find in some cases. Sometimes images are too easy to find, which leads to them being used all over the internet, so you do not have your own unique content. But the problem is no more because Shutterstock is here to help you.
We have editorial images from over 100,000 contributors from around the world. With this library updated 24 hours a day, you'll never miss images and illustrations for your content again.
If you would like to use our content, please click here

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